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  • Extent of Reactions (EQUILIBRIUM)

    VCE Chemistry Unit 3 (Dot points from the Study Design 2023- 2027) the dynamic nature of homogenous equilibria involving aqueous solutions or gases, and their representation by balanced chemical or thermochemical equations (including states) and by concentration-time graphs the change in position of equilibrium that can occur when changes in temperature or species or volume…


    Extent of Reactions (EQUILIBRIUM)

  • Electrolytic cell – products and comparison with galvanic cells

    Revision on the periodic table Far right 🡪 Group 16 and 17 🡪 Very electronegative and non-metals Far left 🡪 Group 1 and 2 and 13 🡪 Conductive metals and Lowest electronegativity Let’s look at the electrochemical series. (Figure 1) Left Hand Side (LHS) 🡪 Before arrow 🡪 Oxidants  🡪 The best oxidants are located…


    Electrolytic cell – products and comparison with galvanic cells

  • Quantifying atoms – Relative Atomic Mass

    KEY KNOWLEDGE VCE Chemistry Unit How can the diversity of materials be explained? Area of Study How are materials quantified and classified? Topic Mole Concept: Quantifying atoms and compounds Subtopics Relative isotopic mass and the carbon-12 scaleRelative atomic mass of an element using mass spectrometry Source: VCE Chemistry Study Design (2023–2027) extracts © VCAA; reproduced…


    Quantifying atoms – Relative Atomic Mass